IDF thwarts attack on IDF post near the Gaza security fence

IDF thwarts attack on IDF post near the Gaza security fence


    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    An attempt by terrorist operatives of the Islamic Jihad to attack an IDF outpost near the security fence in Kissufim and to kidnap and IDF soldier was thwarted Thursday (6 September) in a joint IDF and ISA activity.
    Following an early warning by the Israel Security Agency (ISA) to the Southern Command, troops from the Golani Brigade accompanied by aerial support from the IAF, attacked an armed terrorist cell that was advancing in two vehicles near the security fence in central Gaza Strip. The operatives were heading towards Israel in order to execute a terrorist attack in Israeli territory. The planned target was an IDF outpost near the security fence and the kidnapping of an IDF soldier. The terrorists were also driving a truck filled with hundreds of kilograms of explosive materials.
    During the attack six terrorist operatives were killed. No injuries to IDF troops were reported.